This is the story of Kamel Wanis, a 54-year old devoted father and husband from the village of Armant Center – Luxor Governate. He has five sons with his wife Mariam, 39 years old. Four of his children are in either high school or junior high, and the youngest is only four years old. Kamel worked as a construction worker, but he was injured on the job and was forced to undergo surgery on his spine. Although the operation was successful, he is no longer able to work; his doctors told him to be careful with any movement.

Before the injury, Kamel was able to provide a decent living for his family. In fact, he was even putting money aside so that he would be able to send his eldest son, Kyrollos, to college. Unfortunately, the operation and his medications have drained his savings, and his dream was shattered. Kamel and his family were forced to move in with his mother-in-law, where all seven of them share one room and a small bathroom.

Meanwhile, his wife Mariam suffers from a cartilage issue, so her doctors have also discouraged her from moving too much. Despite this, she still must work long hours as a house maid in order to meet the family’s needs. When the Shepherd and Mother of Light found out about Kamel’s story, its servants decided to build two rooms on the roof of his mother-in-law’s house and provide the family with beds, mattresses, and new clothes for the kids.

Kamel and his family were very grateful for the gifts that SML has given them, but they were still in need of support to help make ends meet. That’s when Care 4 Needy Copts found out about Kamel’s family, so we reached out to all of you—our friends and supporters outside of Egypt. By the Grace of God, many of you contacted us wanting to help ease their burden, and we managed to find a perfect sponsor for Kamel and his family.

Sometimes, it truly takes a village—in this case, a global village—to raise and care for a family.

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Care 4 Needy Copts is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization · Federal Campaign Number: 71558

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